Press Release
Press Release
September 1, 2007
Lexycom Technologies Inc. Announces the Release of its Network Diagnostics
for its Software Defined Transceivers

Longmont, CO--Lexycom Technologies Inc., a manufacturer of software defined radios, has released the LEXNet diagnostics package for its line of data transceivers.
The Windows-based software allows users to remotely access, maintain, and monitor key elements for all radios in a given network. The intuitive graphical user interface
and real time diagnostics allow for quick and easy access to the network so users are able to efficiently perform basic network maintenance, as well as identify and resolve any possible issues without interrupting normal network operations. The Lexycom diagnostics package is designed to provide the user with ease of network installation and set up by supplying real time system information in a user friendly format.

About Lexycom Technologies
Lexycom Technologies Inc. is a Longmont based innovative designer of software defined radios for the OEM and industrial marketplace. Learn more about the company by visiting the website at